
Almost the end of the season for both flowers and bees.  Some of the later flowering asters arrive on the scene now to join the remainder of the daisies and all the other plants that started flowering in August.

A very useful plant for bees at this time, the asters will keep flowering into October even if it turns really cold. The best asters for bees (based on research by Sussex University) are the 'novi belgii'.

Other plants still going strong are the nepetas (which will be having thier 2nd flowering), teucrium and agastache, helenium and rudbeckias. I also recommend planting a late batch of borage seed in August as it will still flower now although it probably wont have time to ripen its seed to self-renew next year.

During September the sedums begin to flower and will keep going right into October and even November.



Sedum spectabile

Sedum spectabile