Update on the bee-plot - March
A bee-plot is an area of herbaceous perennial planting devoted to supplying pollen and nectar for honey bees. We planted our first trial plot last autumn in a field near our house while we are waiting to get some land where we can try larger scale planting.
I am pleased to report that despite being planted in August, with minimal watering and not enought ground preparation (you should have seen the weed!) almost everything has survived the winter. I have recently added a few additional items which were too small to plant out before. It still doesnt look like much as the plants are still small and most only have just a few leaves pushing up but it should look very different in just a few weeks.
The snowdrops flowered first and are now over but the doronicums and erysimums are just opening up now. I think there is too big a gap between the flowering of these two but I think the erysimums will fill this if I add an earlier variety.
The plan is to give a monthly update so watch this space for April.