Plants for bees: Lavenders

Lavenders are a classic plant for bees and if you pick a range of different ones you can have flowers gently buzzing (and scent) from June right through to early September.One thing to be careful about; choose 'species' plants and many of the hybrids, surprisingly are sterile and therefore will provide neither pollen or nectar.

Lavenders to buy for bees: augusitfolia, stoechas, latifolia, lanata, dentata (dont worry too much if they have other names added as long as these species names are there and not referenced purely as a 'parent') Lavenders to avoid: intermedia (an whole family of beautiful but sterile cross-breads) and an funky names like 'big boy' without a species reference.

We sell the classic augustifolias hidcote and munstead as well as stoechas. Between these three you get 2 months of flowering and variety of flower colours as well as habit/size and leaf colour. All fully hardy.
