Update from the hives: first proper check 2013


Its been a long winter. Today, after weeks of anxious wait the weather, although still very windy, was warm enough to let us have a reasonable look at the hives at rosybee and a proper brood frame inspection of our newly sited hive at Denman College. All good and the bees are clearly making up for lost time, during the poor winter in March, by really working the pollen now.

Rosybee 1 (polystyrene hive) observed bees carrying in pollen but not as active as the other hive: replaced a couple of frames in the super and added another super

Rosybee 2 (national) very busy bringing in pollen (as you see in the picture) and lots of activity. We had overwintered with a brood box below so we moved this up but were unable - due to the wind - to check where the queen was. Just have to hope she is now the right side of the excluder; it will soon become apparent. Added a 14x12 eke with plans to start moving the brood onto longer frames. Added a super.

Denman 1 (14x12) very busy and managed quick brood box inspection: found brood in all stages and even managed to see the queen.

All bees looked healthy with no signs of distorted wings etc.


Ooo. I feel like a beekeeper again. Happy happy happy.

