Surviving the storms, Feb ’14
I doubt anyone in the country has been unaffected by the terrible rain and wind we have been experiencing for the last 8 weeks. Flooded houses and wind ravaged seascapes have topped the news daily. I am sure that many nurseries will have experienced damage so I count myself as very lucky that, in spite of gusts up to 70km per hour, the only damage we have sustained is a couple of broken glass panes in the propagation greenhouse.
This morning was surprisingly beautiful; calm and sunny, and suddenly I noticed that, through it all, nature is proceeding. The snowdrops are flowering and I can see buds about to burst on the blackthorn. On days like this, some bees will venture for their hives, mainly to have a wee, and to check out what might be in flower. The pollen will be there if they want it before they rush back inside to decide if its time for the queen to start laying.