Collecting bee swarms can be tricky BeekeepingGuest User6 July 2012bee swarm, beekeeping, swarmingComment
Bees moving into Rosybee site Beekeepingrosi9 April 2012artificial swarm, beekeeping, moving bees, queen cells, swarmingComment
July update from the hives Beekeepingrosi26 July 2011artificial swarm, brood, july, queen cells, swarmingComment
May - update from the hives Beekeepingrosi17 May 2011artificial swarm, beekeeping, emergency queen, queen cells, swarming Comment
Being 'between queens' Beekeepingrosi16 May 2011beekeeping, lost queens, queen cells, swarmingComment
Trying to find the Queen bee Beekeepingrosi12 April 2011april, beekeeping, honeybees, queen cells, swarming Comments