The 'June gap' - a tough time for bees? Bee health, Plantsrosi1 February 2018forage, honeybees, june, june gap, necter, plants for bees, pollen Comments
Oriental Poppy flowers - black pollen for bees Plantsrosi23 March 2013bee-friendly, honeybees, may, plants for bees, pollen Comment
Bees carrying pollen in early March Beekeeping, Plantsrosi16 March 2013bees, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Plants for bees; Doronicum - a march-flowering yellow daisy for b Plants, Research and Trialsrosi4 March 2013april, bee-friendly, daisy, early plants, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Update from the hives: Feb '13 Beekeepingrosi16 February 2013bee food, fondant, honeybees, winterComment
Bees foraging for pollen - early March Bee health, BeekeepingGuest User26 March 2012foraging, honeybees, pollen, springComment
Bee plants - the trial plot in June Plants, Research and Trialsrosi20 June 2011honeybees, june, june gap, plants for beesComment
Plants for bees - perennial geraniums Plantsrosi16 June 2011honeybees, june, june gap, plants for beesComment
Honey from rapeseed (canola) Bee health, Beekeeping, Plantsrosi1 June 2011canola, honey, honeybees, oil seed rape, plants for bees, rapeseed Comments
The hives have re-queened (at last) Bee health, Beekeepingrosi25 May 2011artificial swarm, beekeeping, honeybees, queen cells, re-queeningComment
Trying to find the Queen bee Beekeepingrosi12 April 2011april, beekeeping, honeybees, queen cells, swarming Comments
Hedges; bee heaven in Springtime Plantsrosi5 April 2011april, bee-friendly, bees, early plants, hedge, hedgerow, honeybees, plants for bees, pollenComment