Bees carrying pollen in early March Beekeeping, Plantsrosi16 March 2013bees, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Snowdrops - some of the first flowers for bees Bee health, Plantsrosi15 February 2013bees, early plants, plants for bees, snowdropsComment
Bee plants for containers PlantsGuest User29 July 2012bedding, bee-friendly, bees, containers, hanging baskets, plants for bees, pots, window boxes Comments
Nectar rich mix trials; the 'french' mix Research and Trialsrosi12 July 2012bees, nectar rich seed, plant trials Comments
June update from the hives Beekeepingrosi28 June 2011beekeeping, bees, brood, june, queen cellsComment
How the bees play when the queen is away Bee health, Beekeepingrosi27 June 2011bee health, beekeeping, bees, lost queensComment
Hedges; bee heaven in Springtime Plantsrosi5 April 2011april, bee-friendly, bees, early plants, hedge, hedgerow, honeybees, plants for bees, pollenComment
A 'queen cup' in March! Bee health, Beekeepingrosi23 March 2011beehives, beekeeping, bees, brood, queen cells Comments
Bees collecting pollen to feed the brood Beekeepingrosi12 March 2011bee hives, beekeeping, bees, brood, pollenComment