The 'June gap' - a tough time for bees? Bee health, Plantsrosi1 February 2018forage, honeybees, june, june gap, necter, plants for bees, pollen Comments
Oriental Poppy flowers - black pollen for bees Plantsrosi23 March 2013bee-friendly, honeybees, may, plants for bees, pollen Comment
Bees carrying pollen in early March Beekeeping, Plantsrosi16 March 2013bees, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Plants for bees; Doronicum - a march-flowering yellow daisy for b Plants, Research and Trialsrosi4 March 2013april, bee-friendly, daisy, early plants, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Winter heather - long flowering nectar source Plantsrosi1 March 2013bee-friendly, early plants, forage, plants for bees, pollenComment
Bees foraging for pollen - early March Bee health, BeekeepingGuest User26 March 2012foraging, honeybees, pollen, springComment
Fruit blossom - beautiful and great for bees Plantsrosi11 April 2011april, blossom, early plants, plants for bees, pollen, treesComment
Tulips a blaze of colour with dark brown pollen Bee health, Plantsrosi11 April 2011april, beekeeping, brown pollen, early plants, plants for bees, pollenComment
Hedges; bee heaven in Springtime Plantsrosi5 April 2011april, bee-friendly, bees, early plants, hedge, hedgerow, honeybees, plants for bees, pollenComment
Bees collecting pollen to feed the brood Beekeepingrosi12 March 2011bee hives, beekeeping, bees, brood, pollenComment