Our product: a box of bee-friendly plants Plantsrosi26 March 2013bee plants, plants for bees Comments
Oriental Poppy flowers - black pollen for bees Plantsrosi23 March 2013bee-friendly, honeybees, may, plants for bees, pollen Comment
Bees carrying pollen in early March Beekeeping, Plantsrosi16 March 2013bees, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Plants for bees; Doronicum - a march-flowering yellow daisy for b Plants, Research and Trialsrosi4 March 2013april, bee-friendly, daisy, early plants, honeybees, plants for bees, pollen, springComment
Winter heather - long flowering nectar source Plantsrosi1 March 2013bee-friendly, early plants, forage, plants for bees, pollenComment
Snowdrops - some of the first flowers for bees Bee health, Plantsrosi15 February 2013bees, early plants, plants for bees, snowdropsComment
Dont do too much weeding! Plantsrosi17 January 2013cheiranthus, echium, january, plants for bees, winterComment
Bee plants for Denman College (WI HQ) Plants, Research and Trialsrosi16 November 2012gardens for bees, plants for beesComment
Creating a wildflower meadow - pros and cons Plants, Research and Trialsrosi6 August 2012meadow, wild flowers, wildlife planting Comments
Bee plants for containers PlantsGuest User29 July 2012bedding, bee-friendly, bees, containers, hanging baskets, plants for bees, pots, window boxes Comments
Nectar rich seed mix trials: 'bumblebee mix' Plants, Research and TrialsGuest User23 June 2012 Comments